Winning Slogan Competitions
- The Easy Way
There's a very good reason why winning
a slogan competition is actually easier than most
other types of competition...
It takes more effort to enter!
That simple fact means most people don't
bother, or don't get around to entering.
If you enter a slogan competition that
is being run by a local company, chances are only a handful
of people will actually enter. Amazing but true! That means
if you do enter, your chances of winning of are truly excellent.
A national competition will attract more entries, but your
chances are still extremely good indeed - IF YOU ENTER!
So how do we make it easy for you to enter
- and take your winning chances from none to excellent?
OK, let me warn you, it's still going
to take just a little effort on your part. But how does about
10 to 20 minutes of effort to win a car or a luxury holiday
sound? (Instead of days of being organised and creative??!)
Quite, sounds good to me too!
You could try and be really creative and
come up with something totally fresh... oh wait a sec, you're
not a creative genius working for the Saatchi and Saatchi
advertising agency...!? Neither am I!
The fact is, most slogan competitions
are won by entries that follow similar styles. Virtually identical
slogans have won major prizes in different competitions! The
reason being that certain punchy rhyming phrases just work
well in capturing our attention, and obviously therefore grab
the attention of the judges.
So if you want a great chance of winning
but without days of agonising over a snappy slogan, here's
the lazy way. Take a suitably structured slogan that you know
has won and tweak it. I say suitably structured as not all
slogans will fit the tiebreaker of the competition you are
entering. And tweaking simply means substituting words such
as the brand name or type of product. After all, you know
you already have a winner to start with. Spend 10 minutes
finding a slogan that best fits the type of competition, 5
minutes substituting words, then post your entry. Job done.
Where to Find Winning Competition
1. Read the small print of a slogan competition
and you'll see that after the closing date you can request
details of the winners (AND their slogans) from the promoter.
2. Intaslogans books. These handy little books are packed
with winning slogans. And you can pick from 12 subjects such
as Motoring, Home and Garden or Fashion & Beauty. You
can get
Intaslogans from Amazon.
3. PrizeFocus will give you 101 winning tiebreakers free on
joining the UK competition
entry service.
Competition Entry Service
Now you can enter over 500 competitions
a year - without lifting a finger. And with Prize Focus you know a win
is going to be a big one! Join here -> Automatic Competition Entry Service |